And here's the rest of my stuff. Plus a CD holder thingy idk. Bc I don't have anywhere to keep CDs so my mum decided I needed one. Thx mum
Also I feel like this is kinda braggy but everyone else is doing it so it's cool idc


•Noot• And here's the rest of my stuff. Plus a CD holder thingy idk. Bc I don't have anywhere to keep CDs so my mum decided I needed one. Thx mum Also I feel like this is kinda braggy but everyone else is doing it so it's cool idc

18 1
Nice omg
I agree
I didn't get albums I just got iTunes vouchers which is cool with me
CDs are better imo but that's still cool so good for you
Yeah I much prefer CDs and I don't really need songs on iTunes because I just have Spotify so I kind of wish I did have CDs but whatever
Yeah iTunes is kinda pointless tbh but ah well
I just remembered I got a £10 iTunes thing like two years ago but I still haven't used it
you v lucky
once I found nothing personal in a charity shop but I didn't get it bc I was just getting into atl and I wasn't sure if I would like that album so I didn't get it and now months later I think back and ask myself why I didn't get it and I get really depressed
Omg I'm sorry
I actually found The Ride in Tesco awhile ago and was gonna get it but then I saw California by Blink-182 so I got that instead but now I probably like Catfish more than Blink and I regret getting it instead. But I have The Ride now so all's good