Well this happened bit of advice never not look when holding a knife


Well this happened bit of advice never not look when holding a knife

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holy shít I'm so sorry
omg boi stop hurting yourself 😱😖
hey can I ask why did u follow me
besides being cute
what is wrong with you don't do that to urself
I didn't hurt my self on purpose it's not self harm I've never done that and I won't it was an accident I was helping my mother with cooking
OMG U OTAY ❓❔❓❔❓❔❓⁉️❔❓❔
oh my gosh. I'll be sure to pray for you. I hope you heal soon
Why do people see a cut and considered self harm immediately?🙄 get better soon boy💙
I really don't know but I've made it clear that it isn't so it should be alright now 😂 and thankss
Yikes! Hopefully that gets better soon!
Oi. Get better soon babe 💙
ohhh hope you feel better where is it
oh boi... please get better!
and thanks for the advice @caption
I hope you're okay!
wow 😳
omg are u okay 😲
I hope you feel better!