⬇️tap here or unfollowed⬇️

JK! Did you actually think I'd unfollow you😂 I just wanted to let you know that I will describe each app in the comments below. I hope you like the collage💕


⬇️tap here or unfollowed⬇️ JK! Did you actually think I'd unfollow you😂 I just wanted to let you know that I will describe each app in the comments below. I hope you like the collage💕

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pic collage, Instagram, snapchat, Pinterest, we heart it, and musical.ly are all of my social medias. phonto is the all that I use to get awesome fonts. aillis is the app where I can use glitter and have cool filters. Amazon is where I order stuff online, and Dropbox is the app I use to store all of my pictures. btw, I have other apps, but those don't fit in the collage!
Thank you so much! You just made my day!
what is your musical.ly
Can you please fill out the teacher form!!
thank you for filling out the form for being a teacher. You are now the following teacher at the collage University. The first class you teach is next Sunday at 4:00 PM Eastern and 1:00 PM western
you will start the class 10 minutes after the start time to give everyone time to come to class. Each class is 15 minutes. there also be homework so you would do things like gain 50 followers by the next class or something like that
hi!! so which one of you is teaching the class
it's Lilly but she is not on can I teach a class -Chloie
which ever one of you are available on Sunday 4:00 PM Eastern/1:00 PM western will be able to teach
okay I will ask her thanks
hey any advice on friends? I could really do with some!
wow, you do need some advice. that's what I'm here for! about the spelling bee, you definitely need to study. your parents will be proud of you as long as you work hard, and do your best. about the friend thing, I've been there. I'm in a threesome myself. sometimes I feel left out. if they don't want to talk about it together, maybe try talking to them separately. is there one that your closer to? try talking to one of them and describe how you're feeling. maybe one of them will understand better than the other. if they are really your friends, they will understand, and open up to going back to a group of 3. Hope this helps!
from Lilly💕
you will be teaching on Sunday the class will start at 4:00 PM Eastern and 1:00 PM western you'll start at 4:10 to give everyone time to come to class
also I'm sorry but Chloe not be able to teach more classes. If you guys would like to share teaching that's fine with me
well I already made the following class lessons and homework assignment. I think it would be easier to just have me do it -Lilly
your welcome
what's your weheartit username?