Ink: *starts crying* I-I just w-wanted t-to b-be f-friends


Ink: *starts crying* I-I just w-wanted t-to b-be f-friends

13 1
your defenetly like blueberry... WHY WAS YOU NOT AT THE PARTY ;-;
and, to admin.. would you rather me to tell you something or the OWNER. tell you
*hugs Ink*
I wanna see Blueberry!
Shadows: heeeeey!! Nightmare 😘
oh ink...please don't cry...ill be your friend *hugs ink*
*hugs ink* Pat! pat! *from gravity falls!* ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
hi um im stuck in a tree
I want to take error and make him hug ink
or it's the death Lenny stare ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I’m crying on the inside