DM_Edits thinks she is so funny! Last time I checked, nobody likes her!! She pretends she has tons of friends and just keeps talking! Give your mouth a break girl.


DM_Edits thinks she is so funny! Last time I checked, nobody likes her!! She pretends she has tons of friends and just keeps talking! Give your mouth a break girl.

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what about dancemoms_bubbles she sucks too
It's DM_Editz😉Before you hate on me please get my username right😂😂
Last time I checked, NOBODY LIKED YOU!😄
My mouth will never take a break. I'm going to lay this out flat and clear for you. You will not make me leave. You should be giving that brain of yours a break! Oh wait, you don't have one😑
Hmm...then last time you checked was probably before she was born!
idk who ur talking about🤔 there is an acc called DM_editz with a Z tho
I am her friend so back off would ya
she is too funny
You know what I think is funny? YOU HATING ON AN INNOCENT GIRL
Hey can you pleaseeee stop hating? 💕 What are your intentions by making this page? To hurt people's feelings? Well that's just plain mean. ✨😁 Your choices make you who you are. By making the choice of making a hate page and cyber bullying people makes you a bad person. Please change and turn this page into a fan page or something! Or delete this account all together and you will be forgiven💕😊