I don't understand. I really do because some person or a group of people is making hate pages for the best accounts. I don't know if they have something against them or like they are just jealous, but it is just mean. It is definitely a source of cyber bu


I don't understand. I really do because some person or a group of people is making hate pages for the best accounts. I don't know if they have something against them or like they are just jealous, but it is just mean. It is definitely a source of cyber bu

21 0
preach 🙌 I wanna find out and like get k ill them 👊
no it’s not you I also don’t like why they do that to so beautiful persons that they doesn’t make anything to them maybe they even don’t know each other and they just start hating on them!!! so I also want that this stops!!! 💪
no it’s me too. I want to report them
I don’t like hatepages. they are just nasty thing that’s should never had been invented.