Hey My Swizzles! (I'm going to call you guys that from now on) I have some bad news and good news! The good news is that I'll be doing a follow spree tomorrow morning and the bad news is... I have a hate page 😖. Her/His username is Swift_Following_hatepag


Hey My Swizzles! (I'm going to call you guys that from now on) I have some bad news and good news! The good news is that I'll be doing a follow spree tomorrow morning and the bad news is... I have a hate page 😖. Her/His username is Swift_Following_hatepag

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You made a collage about me? Well you and your bratty followers are so dumb to even solve 2+2
I went to the hate page and was all like girl no u didn't
btw 2+2=4. back off, hater. swift_following is a great person!
don't listen to the haters u r an amazing collager and u r very smart and kind with amazing mind. losing collages! if anything, they must be jealous of u! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
mind blowing collages
not losing collages sorry mind blowing collages
ur amazing and whoever is hating on u 1st has terrible comebacks and insults first of all just wanted to say that and 2nd is stupid for not seeing what s great person u r and 3rd just has nothing better to do