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I still don’t get this account, and frankly I think it’s kind of stupid.
what does that even mean?
first of all, my name is NOT sweaty. my name is Audrey. and second of all, I’m 100% sure that you aren’t going to find “meaniebebeanie” in the dictionary or on Google.
plus, it isn’t spelled ‘sweaty’. it is ‘sweetie’
it’s Leila not Leelah, idiot.
why am I “sweaty” wth
LOL the responses to this.....
You can tell your male alter ego I have no interest in speaking to him....
Glad you're thinking about me though! 😉😊
wait is this a cult?
^I was also wondering that
ok so what the frick are you even doing? it seems pointless bc like everyone hates you guys and the ideas you have are kinda stupid just to let you know and y’all are being so rude to everyone which isn’t helping so just some advice: quit trying to do whatever your sound you’ll never win