


18 0
......Thanks...... ~Thorn
are u actually emo?
Hi, and yes. I am. Why?
just asking and do u actually have blue hair or is that your friend?
That's meh friend Emily.
I'm Thorn.
ohh ok :)
nice name
Thanks. Lol! What's up?
nothing much just enjoying life!lol! you?
Nothing much, sitting by meh bestie not doing anything in class. Lol! Bored.
do u just sit in class do u not do anything else?
Nah, I do what I have to so I don't get in trouble. Ya'know?
lol :-)
are u in America??
ok cuz I finished class 2h ago lol
I live in Europe
Oh kewl. And lucky! I want to live in Europe.
it's not all to cool we don't have jelo noooooooo
and burritos
Oh, okay. Lol!
u do a sport?
Nah, I'm more of a musical and artsy type girl. Though I might do tennis next year for the school. Hey, I'm headed over to my account. Thorn-Is-Emo