i wish i was born in the late 70’s so i could go to middle school in the 80’s, high school in the 90’s, and then live in the 90’s for a while and be alive and aware for the turn of the century


i wish i was born in the late 70’s so i could go to middle school in the 80’s, high school in the 90’s, and then live in the 90’s for a while and be alive and aware for the turn of the century

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ugh the 90’s sounds so much better than current day with all this violence and shît like imagine being able to go to the movies with your friends and not having your parents argue with you about it??? my parents are so strict ahhhhh and like imagine a world without phones being what people literally live off of
people get so absorbed with everything that they forget how to live and be happy and stuff like that and it makes me really sad. like i wish i could survive a week without my phone but i can’t cuz safety and communication and stuff but like doesn’t that sound great??? people need to stop living through their devices and actually GO OUTSIDE FOR ONCE. when was the last time you went outside just to go outside?? i bet not in a while. and then my mom asks me why i do my homework outside during 6th period cuz i don’t have a class instead of inside the library and i don’t answer her lol. i want to go outside rn but it’s rAiNinG aHhHhh
also like 10 year olds have a better phone than i do??? and they’re 10???? like??????????? no!!!!!!!!??????
i didn’t get a phone until the middle of eighth grade and tbh i wish i hasn’t got one until the beginning of ninth grade because you’re so much more free without the constant pull of a phone waiting for you to go check it and stuff (although i’m super thankful for digital music hahaha) and if i ask for records and stuff my parents say no???? like???? we have a record player am i not allowed to use it geez i just waNt 80’s sTuFf and i hate so much how vintage stuff is coming back and it’s “cool” to wear 80’s stuff like no i actually wish i was born in that time it sounds amazing kskckrkd
thanks 💕👊🏻
i totally agree with this but they were also homophobic back then. people still are but it was outcast more.
but same
except yeah obviously we have several advantages like gay rights n stuff but yeah it was such a simpler time, sometimes i wish i was born/lived in the 50s is 60s
yeah me too