Do not eat other animals or birds or mammals! It is a crime!


Do not eat other animals or birds or mammals! It is a crime!

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plz save animals
That's a bit offensive to people who like meat.Just sayin.😐
well it is offensive to animals that you eat them.
Well that's just rude cause I like 🍗!!
So I can eat fish!!
I like chicken
I am a fish eater. But I don't eat fish often
and Sasha still wanna be healthy cause some people were veggie Terrians and they don't eat meat and they died
everyone die because of sickness and cause try are old
I am a fish eater too
It's Vegetarian not Veggie Terrians just saying.😀
Well I don't wonna be too skinny because then I don't have meat in my bones and I'll look so skinny like Taylor Swift...
no Sasha it's true
because I had a friend when I was 4 yrs old and she died I cried hardly because she didn't eat meat enough information!
and u eat animals like fish
ok just don't post people gets angry at you if u do like us in the comments ok
I don't want u to get hurt in this collage
and I can't stop eating salmon and duck so yeh
and other meat