| c l i c k  f o r  p r i z e s |
1st place - 5 prizes of their choice(must be on PC)
2nd place - 4 prizes of their choice(must be on PC)
3rd place - 3 prizes of their choice(must be on PC)
Runner-Ups - 2 prizes of their choice(must be on PC)


| c l i c k f o r p r i z e s | 1st place - 5 prizes of their choice(must be on PC) 2nd place - 4 prizes of their choice(must be on PC) 3rd place - 3 prizes of their choice(must be on PC) Runner-Ups - 2 prizes of their choice(must be on PC)

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help us! BeingScarlet has a hate page causing her to wanna quit! report the hate page: BeingScarletHate plead help us we want her to stay!
I will definitely enter soon! :)
Hope you like it!! :)