I watched Dead Poets Society last night and wow I’ve been sleeping on this movie tbh. it was so frickin good. my dad showed it to me a couple years ago but it was halfway through the movie so I didn’t know what was going on but yeah I think this is my fav


I watched Dead Poets Society last night and wow I’ve been sleeping on this movie tbh. it was so frickin good. my dad showed it to me a couple years ago but it was halfway through the movie so I didn’t know what was going on but yeah I think this is my fav

26 0
*movie now
ahhh i want to see that movie so bad lol
hmm i need tow watch it
nxmsklwkfjfn not fairrr urs must be easier to put on 😂 i remember last season (the one only a few months ago) for some reason some of the winds kids got drumline gauntlets?? which are smaller in my band, and then also some people got brand new ones that were HUGE omg they looked like gigantic ice cream cones lol