No looks, plz and thank you


No looks, plz and thank you

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so.. let’s start with houses.. what house r u in?
ok so wanna be archenemies or friends
whatever u want, we can be enemies than friends
what’s ur name?
what about u?
and my personality is mostly mean when I’m mad or when I just feel like it and I’m smart and I read a lot
lol makes sense
so what’s your personality?
I’m really loyal and a true gryffindor!
so who’s going to start? and what year are we going to be in?
how about the hogwarts express, first year, just met. families have been in a fight for over 1,000 years
do u wanna start?
you can
*i say my goodbyes to my mom and I leave with my big brother, we go on the hogwarts train and he said “I’m going with my friends. See you around sis” he hugs me and I said bye and I find a empty compartment and I close the door, sit near the window, get out a book and read*
*i say byes to my fam and they see your parents and glare. I notice this and go on the train into the empty compartment across from you*
*not knowing who you are*
*i keep my focus on the book not hearing anything that’s around me*
*i start playing with my pet cat which meows loudly*
*i get startled and look up* “umm.. hi?”
*”hey sorry about that. my cat is very mischievous”*
“what book are you reading”
*i smile and roll my eyes playfully. I put my book down and look at the cat* “girl or boy?”
“oh um..” *i look at the book* “it’s called.. curiosities”
“girl, oh cool! so when u got your acceptance letter, what did u do?”
“oh, I was happy inside and I wanted to squeal so badly, but my mom says that Lando’s aren’t supposed to act like that, so I just looked at it and shrugged* (btw lando is my last name) “what did you do?”
“well my i knew I was going to be here since my older sis and two bros are here and both my parents. but my parents were more excited than me. I wasn’t sure how us Cuevas’s (last name not real) are supposed to act
“oh, so what house do you think you’re gonna be- wait?! you’re a Cueva?”
“I’m a Cuevas. pretty sure Gryffindor cuz that what all my siblings are in. how bout you?”
“slytherin.. my brothers in slytherin and my whole family was in slytherin.., listen, no one can hear that I was with you, understood?”
“ok, why?”
“don’t you understand? you’re a Cueva and I’m a Lando, our family’s were made to be swarm enemies..”
“I didn’t know about this, but you seem like a really nice person”
“what happened? and why are we enemies?”
“well my mom said that a long time ago, there was a really big fight with our generation and now we just became enemies, my mom really hasn’t told me the facts because she thinks I’m not old enough, and helł i’m not a nice person”
“you seem nice and I have a friend who has a Nintendo switch!! she let me borrow it!! wanna play?”
(ps sorry that’s so random)
(lol that’s fine)
“what’s a Nintendo switch??”
“it’s a gaming console”
“o-oh, then I guess you have to show me” *i shrug and smile*
*loud noise while I’m searching my bag for a switch* “umm did you hear theat”
“yeah I did” *i walk to the door and open and I look around and see nothing*
“hmmmm wonder what that is”
*i shrug and sit back down and look out the window* “do you ever wondered... “ *i look at you* “if you callus change anything about yourself.. if you had the opportunity?”
“I mean I always wanted to know what it would be like to umm... never mind, would you change anything?”
“no, no, please.. tell me.” *i look at you deep into your eyes*
“it’s nothing. what about you?”
“I just wish I wasn’t a lando, I wish I could pick my family”
“oh. if you could pick——“ *the loud noise repeats itself and this time the whole train shakes and my cat jumps on me, knocking me over and I’m sliding through the train*
“omg! are you ok? and what the helł was that?” * i help you up and look around to see people worried* “what the heck was that?!!!
“I’m good” *on the floor with my cat buried into my shirt lol* “uhhhh what that black thing over there?”
*i look at it* “n-no clue”
“ok ummmm so what is it doing here?”
*i glare at you* “seriously, you really think I’m gonna know what that is?”
“it’s our first year”
“it could be a dementor, I don’t know”
“have you heard of Harry Potter and his friends? so many things happened here when they were here. maybe like as dobby (rip) said to Harry history is repeating itself. “
“history’s repeating itself? but how?”
(btw is this after the war? or are Harry Potter and his friends at school ?)
*harrys kids are here but we didn’t see them yet*”I don’t know maybe this happened before”
“do you think something bad is going to happen ?”
“I don’t know”
*sighs* “let’s get to know each other... you go first, tell me stuff about you” * I sit down and grab my sketchbook and pencil and start drawing*
“well I explained a lot about me. tell me about you. plus I assume you already know a lot about me.”
“not really, I don’t really know much about you” *i look at you and keep drawing and I keep repeating the same rotation every 20 seconds*
“oh well, how about you?” *now my cat is purring on my lap and I am sitting next to you*
“well obviously, I like drawing, as you can see” *i look up at you and look back down* “I’m friends with astrioa greengrass (I don’t know how to spell her name, sorry) and pansy Parkinson. my favorite subject is potions” *i look at you again and look back down*
“oh cool well we’re almost at hogwarts” *the whole train shakes again this time harder and all the doors to the compartments slam and the windows close and curtains cover it
“I have a feeling that I should’ve never went to this school, it’s so.....mysterious” *i smile lightly and I get my bag and shove my book and my pencil in there, I rip out a page and fold it* “here you go, just a little something to remember me” *i hand you the paper with a slight smile* “you’re like a model, so I drew you” *i get all my stuff together*
“aww thanks well I guess we shouldn’t be together given our families history. my brothers are walking down the train hall. *two older boys and their girlfriends are walking down the hall so I leave*
*i get my stuff and I see my brother with his other friends* “so this is your sister” one of his friends say “yes she is” my brother says. I roll my eyes and go to a big man that says “first years, this way” I get on a boat and just stare at the water*
*I get up and follow the big man, still watching you*
*i sigh and then I see a mermaid she raises up and hands me something shiny, it’s a ring* “thank you” *she nods and swims away with her friends. I think to myself •what was the all about•*
*i see that as another mermaid hands me a shiny necklace* “thank you”
I’m supposed to be at school, why are you?
(nope, I stayed home because my brother is sad and sick so I’m being the big sister😂💗 so yeah I’m supposed to be In school rn)
*i put it on and it shines and I smile* •I wonder why she gave it to me, it has to have a purpose•
*i admire mine and then puts it on as a shining light shines brightly in my fave*
*i look up to see the castle and I hear the other 1st years saying “wow”*