•10 years!!!!! I can’t believe it. Their new EP is so amazing!!! Very emotional and different without Jonghyun. I have a Type 2 version I’m working on. This is Type 1!!•


🦋🦋🦋 •10 years!!!!! I can’t believe it. Their new EP is so amazing!!! Very emotional and different without Jonghyun. I have a Type 2 version I’m working on. This is Type 1!!•

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I love this!❤️
aww this is so beautiful 🤧😍❤️❤️ omg I really miss Jonghyun btw their new song “Good evening” it’s amazing!!! I really like it and well now they are 4 but they’ll always going to be the SHINee they were at the beginning and Jonghyun it’s smiling so much because the guys continue with their carrier 😭❤️ aaa
I’m so proud of them ✨❤️