🍭Ugh school is not fun, it's October and I already want it to be over🍭


🍭Ugh school is not fun, it's October and I already want it to be over🍭

114 1
school fùcking sucks and we barley get breaks like how am i suppose to finish 5 essays, 3 packets and study for 10 tests over the weekend
^me though
How are all your collages just wonderful and fantabulous wowowow 👏🏼
i want it to be over but then again it's my last year and i'm lowkey scared for school to end !!
don't grow up.i'm not ready to be an adult!! there is some ups but mostly i'm scared a'f
I agree
this is a beautiful edit
Thanks :) Well I guess you have a nice brain?? awkward award goes to me this year
IKR Lana is most certainly bae
thank youuuu! (awks_)
haylo my jelly friend
hmm maybe American ïdïöt or dôôkie:))
ahh ur costume sounds so awesome