Who wants to collab?


Who wants to collab?

74 1
I would really like to be friends again... I'm just worried that I hurt you too much...
I would love 2! 😌 :))
but I Gtg to bed so bye
how about the vampire diaries? :)
okay good....
so we're all good?
can we do Melanie Martinez πŸ™πŸ»πŸ’¦PLEASE ? okay
I gtg to bed so I will talk to you tomorrow about this
good. and because we're okay now, can I mini rant to you about my horrible March Break? I need to rant to someone..
pretty much the first half was okay (even though I had to do schoolwork) but then I was at a sleepover with my cousin (she's 13) and a found out that her and her boyfriend that I hated just broke up, and she's already with this guy, and I assume you heard about Gerri's boyfriend? they were both FaceTiming the. the entire time and when they weren't they would talk about their boyfriends and they kept making jokes about how I'm not going to find a guy and I swear I literally just wanted to cry....
I have to go so it would be great if you can start 😁😌
I honestly am so scared that I'm not going to end up with anyone Lindi, I'm really really really scared and them saying all that stuff just made it worse...
and second part is that I was singing while my cousin was talking to her boyfriend, and he kept telling me to shut up and he said that I have a horrible voice and I just.... I'm not beautiful, I'm not skinny, I'm not that good at playing piano... so singing is literally all I've got and now someone has said my voice is horrible..
and then on top of all that I took a relaxing bath and everything and I was getting dressed and the bathroom doesn't have a lock so Gerri decided to walk right inside while I was changing, then I told her to get out in the strictest voice I could get and it was fine for a minute then they all started to giggle and my cousin came inside and now I just feel so insecure about myself Lindi....
sorry that was really long and depressing but I had to get that all out.
I'll collab if you want to do it? πŸ’•βœ¨
hey hey hey lets collab AGAIN πŸ˜‚πŸ’“
πŸ˜‚ you start
Lindi I need me some more Gabriel πŸ˜‚πŸ˜«
mkay πŸ˜‚πŸ’™
I'll collab!
I'll Collab ^_^
okay you choose what it's about! βœ¨πŸ’•
me pls PLSSSS
yass πŸ’™πŸ’•πŸ’œ
do u want to collab?????? plz???
okay thanks πŸ’œπŸ’—
THANKS SO SO MUCH!!! What kind of collab would u be up for?? Which fandom??πŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ˜˜
I can't wait!!!!
sorry but I won't collab sorry I am just busy so won't collab
hey bestie what's up?
you can add your part now :))))
could we collab? βœ¨πŸ’•
alrighty thanks πŸ˜˜βœ¨πŸ’•
I would like to be
Can't wait ☺️
I do!!!