-I love him oh my gosh-
-I'm running out of things to post y'all I'm scared-
-I'm making a scythe to kill my enemies-


(Cklic) -I love him oh my gosh- -I'm running out of things to post y'all I'm scared- -I'm making a scythe to kill my enemies-

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I want a scythe :0
it's all made out of wood but it's p cool
I should make one too
Scythes are v cool
it's taken us almost all day to make it. we have to wait an hour to paint it more.
while I wait I'm just working on my rough draft for my mom to type
@caption Good. Your enemies shall fall to your scythe and you will reign victorious and reclaim your throne in the kingdom of darkness and fandom-ness
I shall ^^^ and they shall all look up to me and then I'll get scared be be like "nah guys do whatever just respect me in all aspects of life and call me your queen"