discovery of the day!!??? test our my theory to prove it! — also if anyone can try to figure out why pc doesn’t like hand holding pls tell me lol I DO NOT UNDERSTAND


discovery of the day!!??? test our my theory to prove it! — also if anyone can try to figure out why pc doesn’t like hand holding pls tell me lol I DO NOT UNDERSTAND

28 0
I can’t 😂
so now hands are too scandalous?? I respect them tryna keep everything pg tho 😂
wow lot of research 😂
woahhh respect (:
ahaha thank you for sharing!!! and admire your research
wow you did a lot of research!😂
I also have bad news, your entry is pending AGAIN. I don't know what you did differently, but I'm sorry if it's frustrating. you don't have to keep making new entries if you don't want to
uR lAtEsT cOlLaGe iS oN PenDinG
<-are you experimenting again ?😂
<—— pending
and wow lot of research xD
well then😂