Collage by Ocean-flow


38 1
um I think u should do a face revile ?
congratulations 💫💫🥳
ok! sure! what would you like on it?? 🥰
Round 3 for season games is up! come submit your entry, you’ve got 9 days. Good luck!!😊💕
ok good I need an explanation
ok! I believe you❣️ and you think we’re besties❣️ Your so sweet 🤟🏻 I wish I could put you in my bio but I got that stupid update
yes please!
I made a chat page on my acc
thank you for following me
Ok then
hey just fauna_ here to let you know that round 2 is out and the results from round 1 are also on my account (round 1 was not an elimination round btw) 🌸❄️☀️🍁
hi! u should join my new contest! it’s to celebrate me having 200 followers! the contest is due 5/11. Thanks for reading and following me 💗
p.s CONGRATS!!! 🌻
come check out my 2nd latest post !
thx !!!
ok sure
congrats u deserve it but many more tho !!!!
I luv your account and all your posts !!! ❤️❤️❤️
you deserve 173747483838282!!
hi!! just a reminder that you’re village for my season games is due tomorrow!!
can u make a chat page for me and you plz ??? 💕💕💕💕💕
fauna_ here! (again:) I just would like to remind you that the due date for round 2 of the season games is Monday. Please enter soon!🌸❄️☀️🍁
hi I’m new and I’m hosting an icon contest please can you please enter it would mean so much because I’m new thank you so much bye -C0MS
round one is up for the pastel games💜💙💚❤️get your entry in soon!
did you place in my giveaway? come check out the results now!! ♥️kanani_girl33
hello gorgeous! i was wondering if you could check out my account... i would really appreciate it if you could please follow me (you don’t have to, but it would make my day)! thank you so much beautiful. 🦋
Hello there! fauna_ here 👋🏼 I’m just letting you know that the results from round 2 are up on my account and so is the assignment for round 3. have a great day/night! ❄️🌸☀️🍁
hi I have Christmas games starting and I would love you to join they will be going on from now till Christmas so come join the fun you will have a week every time to give your entery so the enteries close next Sunday good luck
happy 699!!
can we collab
so close to hitting 700 follows !!!
Hiiiiiii it’s fauna- I wanted to remind you to enter round 3 of the season games to in order to not be eliminated. the due date was extended to November 15. please enter! 🌸🍁❄️☀️
round 3 results are up! round 4 is also up remember to submit your entry on time! good luck!😊💕
orry about round 4 it is not working in terms of remixing the backgrounds, so I will have to change round 4 into something else. sorry about this and thankyou for your patience!😊💕
celeb games teams are out !
please enter round 3 of the season games soon if you do not want to be eliminated!!your entry is due today❄️🌸☀️🍁
ok the new round 4 is up!
Hello 👋🏻 it’s fauna- just letting you know that the results from round 3 are up and the assignment for round 4...🍁🌸❄️☀️
just a reminder it’s not long until the entry to my season games is due, so don’t forget to enter!☺️💕
Hey! Can you follow this account? You followed my old one so I would really appreciate it!