Enjoy this post that I thought about a lot during fbawtft //nate


Enjoy this post that I thought about a lot during fbawtft //nate

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i am back and reqdy to destory you cant bring me down not today
Hi there 🤗! Thanks for checking out my comment! If you visit my account, you'll see what you can expect, but really, much much more! Mens' rights 🤴, womens' rights 👸, gay rights 👭👬, love and hope 💕, different races 👧🏼👦🏾, and basically, the beauty in everyone and everything! (And much, much more!) I do take suggestions! I really hope you have fun reading through my account. And I hope you have a wonderful feeling when you leave it! Thanks so much! I hope to be hearing from you soon! EqualRights💕
are you ni🅱️🅱️as still alive 😤😤
hey nate this is sadie back from the dead i'm not really going to come back to pc but i just wanted to give u an update on my life: i got a gf, who broke up with me but then i got another one and she's really cute n i love her!!!!!! turns out one of my friends is trans so i'm helping him raise money for top surgery. if you want to talk to me more, my tumblr is @smashingthatchers (i can give you more proof that i'm actually sadie there). if you want you can put this in a post but idk i just miss you. ily
nate !! are !!! you !!!! okay !!!!!
holy heck its been a long time. i hope you're alright