I'm so angry rn


I'm so angry rn

74 11
beautiful XD
aww why are you angry? :(
what's wrong friend?
idk. I've been really stressed lately and now my dad has made it worse. he doesn't think acting is a good career, and wants me to be a doctor, which is something he's always wanted to do. today was the breaking point. I forgot my math book to show him what problems I wanted him to give me and he just flipped out. when he gave me my problems he said "this is your life-not that", as I was waiting for a cast list to go up. he's just so annoying. he would rather me be successful and hate my life than me be unsuccessful yet happy.
I'm so sorry. All I can say is, prove him wrong girl 💘❤️💪👊
if you are talented and passionate about acting, go for it and DONT let what your parents expect get in your way- if it's what you want, do it, but tell them why you are and how much it means to you. good luck 💜
guys we're okay now. I got in to the program I auditioned for. that proved him wrong. he was actually pretty proud, and said that as long as I keep my studies up he's sure I can succeed.