Collage by DeterminedKid


39 31
I have a question!; What do you think of the spider pastries? :3
Do you like Toriel?
If you could have any weapon, what would you pick?
can we be friends
HELLLLLLOOOOO can we be friends and we u no awenser my other questions
sorry meant to put why not we
who's your best friend? Enemy?
my apologies mario_2, I've got a lot of asks, as you can see, and with schoolwork and other art projects added on to that, they can't be responded to immediately, but don't worry, I'm not ignoring you!
Do you know who W.D. Gaster is?
my god a few questions were asked a month ago why u taking so long to awnser me
Okay, listen. I get that I may take a while to get motivation to do things but you are definitely not helping by coming over here and saying that. I'm stressed, depressed and paranoid as it is, I don't need that, thank you very much. I would really appreciate it if you waited, I'm answering the asks in order, and I'll eventually reach yours. Now please stop asking, it will not speed up the process. Thank you.
can tem pet humen
(yes I went from Mario_2 to HOI_Im-tem)