
Got this idea from a really good fanfic ;0 

Im studying for exams right now ooh fun


Mika! Got this idea from a really good fanfic ;0 Im studying for exams right now ooh fun

48 0
looks great! ^^
do you still have BC?
@Shadee thanks! and no I had to delete it but I'm going to reinstall it soon :p
@Panic Thank you! ^^
Just looks like a roll of puRe s a s s. hehe 🌸 It's super cUTE
ohhhh I thought you were ignoring me. :')
@Rimakyu he is tbh :') and thanks so much~!
@Syd nah fam you're too awesome to be ignored
thanks :)
*dusts off shoulders* I know. *puts on sunglasses*
so cool!!
@Lore thanks!