Moping is very enjoyable


Moping is very enjoyable

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lol “why don’t we”
your welcome I'm Kennedy nice to meet u
wassup sis !!!
ohh ty love ya soo much 😘😘😘
made a new bio and pretty much deleted a lot so check out my new page and tell your friends please
I'm good hru
no xx not really and his names james 😘x sorry for the late reply I wasn't on pic collage yesterday xxx are you doing anything? x
haha I know that feeling
haha thanks
aw ty I love yours too💕
I'm about to go swimming so I'll be back in about an hour
my friend just left and I’m rn since I’ve been with her. im abt to do homework🙄 my whole fam is in a different state rn at my bros wrestling tournament. I’m alright rn hbu
awww that means more than u could know
oh I'm back know! asleep? where do u live at?
hey! sry I was with fan
Round 1 is up now!!!!! this round you have to use the song I give you, depending on your team, teams r on the collage b4 so check it out!!!! The round is due 8/29 and I will remind you the day b4 to enter, GOOD LUCK💜
what? 😂 what was I doing with who?
hey 😂
oh lol I'm in America! what time is it there?
😂😂 good one 😉 but I had to go to the store and get groceries and practice archery with dad 😑😂
yep 😂 how's life been for you lately?
haha it's 8:54pm
thx. I’m abt to *try* to go to sleep cuz I have school in the morn. it’s like every time I feel fine and am not anxious abt school or seeing certain people all the things they’ve said about just hits me like a ton of bricks and I’m anxious and the only way to make to school day get here slower is to not go to sleep😩😩
yea life can be pretty overwhelming what’s up with u
I got Daniel lol
yea same. I’m a Christian and I have a strong faith but it’s so hard not to be super anxious and slightly depressed at times. idk how to like do anything abt it
ok so this gonna be kinda long. in 6th grade I transferred to a new school and I was good friends with this one girl because we were on a gymnastics team together. she kinda introduced me to everyone and was kinda the reason I was pretty popular. I was also super innocent. now she wants to still be doing that for me and like wants me to be super quiet and innocent and have no friends so she can make herself look good by “helping” me and stuff.
also she always says stuff like u have no friends ur ugly and is just super fake and it makes me really mad. and I know this guy that I legit have baby pics of bc we have known each other that long and we went to the same school until I switched and then he came to my school this year and I’ve kinda liked him for a while and she just likes to talk to him a lot and it always makes my face turn so red and she knows it and it’s like she wants to make it obvious and I don’t want it to be bc I don’t wanna ruin me and this guys friendship
sorry that was really long😂😂
well I have school tomorrow so I better get to bed I'll ttyl💕
I think he’s cute but it’s just me really bc I mean we have been best friends forever so all my friends have heard stories so they all know who he is and they just make it really awkward😂 he’s pretty short tho got blonde hair blue eyes and is a soccer player
she has all this expensive stuff and I don’t bc my family just doesn’t chose to spend our money like that and I was a gymnast for 8 and a half years and I hurt myself 10 times in 2 years so I quit and during the summer I was recovering from a knee injury and an arm injury so I couldn’t really do anything so I gained like 40 pounds and i was already insecure abt my weight before and then I gained weight and that made it worse and she makes fun of me for it it’s just ugh
and also I have really bad allergies and eczema which is a skin condition thing and I’m allergic to legit everything outside so this summer it really flared and I have all these spots on my arm so I always wear long sleeves so no one will ask abt them and she always makes fun of me for that even though she knows why I do it
yea and like she’s so skinny and so many guys like her and she kinda rubs it in a bit that I’m not like that and it just makes it that much worse. and she always tells me my sweatshirts r ugly but really she’s the reason I wear them bc I think people r gonna think I’m fat bc she tells me that and r gonna ask abt the spots on arm cuz she asks that and abt the all of the scars from my eczema bc I pick at the scabs all the time bc that’s what she does but I don’t wanna day anything cuz I don’t wanna start any drama but at the same time I cried myself to sleep the night before school bc I was so nervous that she was gonna day setting or embarrass me or stuff like that
yea it just sucks bc she used to be so nice but now she just wants me to be the person that makes her look good and my real best friend goes to another school😩
no way! it’s just like everybody asks abt it and whenever I try to explain it they think I have some disease or it’s like gross or something 🙄🙄
yea. I’m sorry people have treated u like a child. I get it I’m the oldest kid so my parents r so protective and everything what abt ur situation
haha for real😂😂
gosh that stinks. wyd
moping is just too gorgeous