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1) go to settings 2) go to feedback and support 3) go to the feedback forum 4) type in Amarii_ 5) press the dial thingy at the bottom and your voted!!
haha😂 i am like that too!😜
thanks so much!!!! ✨💕😍😘 you're the one with the creativity, I get my inspiration from other people's edits and stuff from the Interweb 🙈
no problem!😘🧀🌍
well I've only been on for a year, and I know some people that have only been on since the summer and their edits are waaayyy better than mine, trust me. 😉😍✨
you should've seen when I first started out! I was horrible!!!!
I guess I only got a little better though, if I was really good I would have more followers and maybe a feature or two