Ahh, another ineffable thoughts. Sorry if this one is bad. 
Don’t be afraid to fight. To be yourself. Everyone deserves that right. And not even the world should be able to take that away from you. ~❤️💎


“TAP” Ahh, another ineffable thoughts. Sorry if this one is bad. Don’t be afraid to fight. To be yourself. Everyone deserves that right. And not even the world should be able to take that away from you. ~❤️💎

65 1
preach 🙌🏼💛
omg! this is so powerful!!!
response coming soon 🙃 so deep
so true Xx
thank you for posting this. I think it’s so true and important. I can totally relate ❤️
this is lovely btw
thank you ☺️
np ❤️❤️