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Okay guys, BELLARKE needs to happen RIGHT NOW! I'm like crying and screaming at Clarke, I'm very angry with Clarke atm, she should have stayed with Bellamy, and can I say, if you're gonna kiss Bellamy, at least make it a proper ship one! Okay, I'm on s3 of the 100, crazy things are happening to my brain. All I want, is for BELLARKE to happen! Ohh and Bellamy in the book is so adorable I just want to hug him! Okie dokie, I'm gonna go watch s3 now, so I can cry some more 😭😭😭😭😭😭
BOOK BELLAMY IS ACTUALLY AMAZING.😍😍😍😍😍😍 I live in the uk so s3 has only just started so I have to wait till next week for a new episode 😒😒😒
okay but I'm moving to Australia 😂 and unfortunately no he was added in for the programme 😒😒😒 but I think the books better without him tbh because bellarke is otp