Ruby223 COME BACK or I'll go on private


Ruby223 COME BACK or I'll go on private

43 0
I will go on private too. btw, I do NOT like Justin Beiber
we made a pact and she broke it
the tagging system.
😭 well, sorry!
can you please come back,we miss you and care about you and sorry about being a little rude there
You weren't being rude. It's fine...
Ruby I'm sorry I'm leaving now. idk how long, maybe until you do
ok,can I ask one thing. Why did you go on private?
NOOO DONT YOU DARE LEAVE! (I don't know what I can call you, like you call me Ruby, but still!) DONT GO!
no!!!!!!!! Daughter_of_Athena26 not you too!!!!! PLEASE do NOT leave.
I'm sorry if you come back I will too. I don't want to do this but I want to prove people care bout you
Everyone please do not leave...😓
by leaving?
how will that prove anything!? people will just care that you left!?
I want you to know I care about you. I'm not losing you like I did NicoDiAngelo123
NO NO NO,fine I will too. this is for you ruby
... Nico didn't leave though!
she didn't go on private but yes, she's gone.