"Toby that you?"


"Toby that you?"

2 1
The ending of what you said on your recent post makes no sense... Well it's not logical, he is hating on a popular channel so karma, he gets a lot of hate back from the supporters.
Sorry for not responding earlier! I can understand how you feel. I believe in second chances! I know the some parts of the world are cruel and I probably can't help but.. I'm not just going to give up before I even try.
I'm sorry if you think I'm not logical and I know he's fighting against a popular user. But fighting hate with hate is even worse! You would be as bad as the hater. It would make them a hypocrite (sorry!)
they're saying KYS and taking it further then the hatepage is. Way to aggressive if you ask me. I know he deserves punishment but he doesn't deserve this much hate!
I'm sorry if sounded a little desperate to protect the hatepage (which I am) But it's just an instinct :(
also just look at this person calm down plz
like, what in the actual fūck?
I have... no idea