let’s run down the streets with stars in our eyes


let’s run down the streets with stars in our eyes

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aw, thank you very much :)
probably should’ve introduced myself. i’m gianna— or gia. whichever you’d prefer.
well it’s nice to meet you, noah. how are you?
good. sleepy, but good. i think i’m going to head off to bed. i’ll talk to you in the morning :)
Heeeyyy I know that song , sorry I felt like I had to say that.
morning :)
yeah :) Hru?
I’m wonderful , what’re you up to?
we should totally start talking , im dez ;)
sorry for the late response. i was at school /:
so, how’s your day been going? :)
pretty good i suppose. can’t complain 🤷🏻‍♀️