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so prefect babe lover❀️😍
Thank you baby boo!!!πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸŒΈ
so cute πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜
Sierra!! Carson wrote some things on Hunter's account and comment!!
I'll see!
what do you think??
I'm not his girl sis!!!
I know but do you love him?
I think he call me sexy legs because he wwas wanna make you jealous because he was angry
Yeah I know!! but I'll never forgive him!!!
so what will you do?
I'm going with Hunter!!! πŸ’—πŸ’—
your soccuts!
we must find a boyfriend for Livy!!
I thought James!!
James?! babe it's our cousin!!
but Remember Olivia said she wanted to date James!!
yes! for April fools last year!!
But why would that be April Fools!! That's SO GROSS
I know!! but you know Olivia babe
she's Crazy!!
yep! then who should she be with ?
I don't really know Gracie! what about you?!
I was thinking about Jacob
yes why?
But you said he dates new girls everyday!! that's why you told me to stay away from him!! but if you wants ok
we should ask livy!
Well I was do it for your heart!! And I think Livy and him are good... but you wasn't like him then we can do it!!
Bring livy here!
ok I text her
she answer???
yep she will be online in 2 min
hey! Gracie tell me that you want talk?
tsk Olivia!
about what?
dating!! Gracie thinks you should date Jacob but I'm not so sure
Jacob Sartorious??
What do you think about if?
I don't think he should date you he dates lots of girls and cheats on them!! but if you want him i be happy for you❀️❀️❀️
I don't know it you like him! James just quite me...😞
Gracie said we are cousins with him!! but I don't believe it
Well I don't think I love Jacob but who do you I think I should be?
Who do you wanna date?🌹
Date James!!!!!!!!!!!!
James is our cousin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
his father is Jimmy and Jimmy is our mum's brother
I have proof Olivia saying that your dating James!!!!!!!!
its was April Fools last year!!
I don't believe you!!!! Anyways you don't have to date anyone your can just be single 😭
Sierra I was tell you!!
why didn't you tell me??
I tell you in dinner at home!!
you don't remember?
then who must I date!! 😞😞😭😭
No one!!!!!!
why?? I want love someone and share something with!!
I don't know who you should date!!! Date Carson or Johnny or Jacob
you willn't be angry if I did it?
No I hate Carson
just date him!!!!!
but I don't want you hate my boyfriend!!
it will be ok I won't talk to him
Why you crying??
I will trie to find someone else
do you know Bars and Melody??
what do you think about diego velΓ‘zquez
Yes!!! the thunder and
and what about ricardo hurtado??
why? he's super sexy
Ok if you want him okπŸ’†πŸΌ
Ok!! then I choose Ricardo??
or Diego?
ok!! let's text him!!
Ok Livy we should get a private musically!!πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“
together? or with sis??
Hi Sierra!! I'm ricardo hurtado!! I'm your sissy boyfriend 😍😊
he's so cute 😊😊
ok so for the musical.ly I choose the music
what's the username πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“
100 message here waw!!
the username is HaschakSisters why do you think?
but the oh main account