I'm ripped


I'm ripped

25 3
ya wish
I don't have to wish I all ready have them
and it's not gross its real I do have abs
you love Shalia ihaia
that is fake
that is fake.
is it a joke or are u serious
hey you are rude why are you doing that to my pics
no,you are mean and ugly
Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha very funny.............
what?! 1. that post of mine is a FAKE thing that's OBVIOUSLY not real. 2. yeah, this is still fake.
oh nah it's just a pic 😠
It is fake.
this is so obviously fake, unless: 1. your head is that gigantic. 2. your skin tone doesn't match your faces.
oh yeah, and 3. something in the background says JUSTIN TAYLOR.
Shalia said she loves your muscles