Credit to the wonderful Amarii_ for the quote😌


Credit to the wonderful Amarii_ for the quote😌

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Thanks for reading! I'm so glad you could relate!! Body shaming is big issue that can happen to anyone (not just overweight people) & just know that you're not alone if you're ever feeling down!
this account is stunning πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ’– literally I've been looking for an account like this... and I just... wow 😍 ur AMAZING at this, like u could make MONEY off of these. like, frame them!!! and sell them!!! they are GOALS if I met u I'd buy some ❀️ LEGIT GOALS ILYSM! ur going on the idol bio!!πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜›πŸ’—
Tysm πŸ’– btw I can predict ur gonna be a pop pager one day β€οΈπŸ˜±πŸ’•
btw where do u get the backgrounds for these?
I don't like what your doing
hint hint... I have a background ACC names moonnlightt u can check out!! it's like TRAVELUST!