enough of my ranting, have a rad pic of gerard look at im such a cute patòot


enough of my ranting, have a rad pic of gerard look at im such a cute patòot

35 0
ikr what a sweetie
you know who else is a cute patoote
re// bOI FIGHT ME M8
you mate
idk but i have lots ill post them
I used to ship phan, but I'm slowly losing interest in the phandom because of people getting to serious about phan, which upsets me because they are both lovely people who make me smile but the fandom kind of ruins it by almost forcing the ship onto them too much, if that makes any sense.
I agree, I'm hoping they post more videos soon :)
yup, I just don't like when people do such things like that. I don't think people understand that they are people too // oh my sorry I'm almost ranting ah