Sorry to the dead...πŸ˜” there won't be anymore scores, but there will be at least 2 dead and one top runner for the round.


Click Sorry to the dead...πŸ˜” there won't be anymore scores, but there will be at least 2 dead and one top runner for the round.

31 1
Thanks So MuchπŸ˜†πŸ˜„πŸ˜Š
I lived!!!
THANKS SO MUCH I AM SO AMAZED I LIVED! You have been a total inspiration to me recently. Your one of my heroes!😊
it has been really fun :)
My entry for round 3! So sorry it was so late, hopefully it suits the round 😁
why are you sorry?
oh it's fine, I have enjoyed the time that I was in them
I know I was eliminated, I don't really mind
did you think I didn't know I was eliminated?