This is NOT funny! If you know someone who is suicidal, or if you are suicidal yourself, GET HELP! It's not worth taking your life, I promise. Even if you feel like a nobody, someone loves you. ❤️


This is NOT funny! If you know someone who is suicidal, or if you are suicidal yourself, GET HELP! It's not worth taking your life, I promise. Even if you feel like a nobody, someone loves you. ❤️

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If you're wondering, I learned about Jessica and Ty from a YouTube video called Top Ten Most Evil School Bullies. Check it out! Ps, if you want to learn more about Ty Smalley's story, watch the 2011 documentary called 'Bully'
I feel so sorry for them, rip all victims of bullies.
I know :( I'll make a collage about victims of bullying later :'(
Remember last year they told us about Lizzie Velasquez?
Yeah, I remember her! She was cool😎
someday I'll be one of those people 😔
Suicidal you mean?! Please don't! I'll try and help you! I'd be really sad if you left😭😭
well I have a really HORRIBLE life
How is it horrible?
I don't get along with my Mom, I get teased BADLY in school and on the bus these two people though stuff at my all the time and im failing in school because im always paranoid at school....
people ALWAYS say stuff about my face
people at school make fun of me because I'm.... nvm
you there?
Yeah I'm here, sorry I didn't answer. I'm sorry about that! You are really pretty, so don't listen to what those kids say. Maybe one of the teachers will help you? I'm sorry you have to go through that, people just don't think😒
at my school teachers don't understand or help
and no I'm not pretty and no I should listen to them...cuz it's true
Your very pretty! Those kids really don't know what their talking about. Maybe someone else at your school will help? I know this sounds crazy, but maybe stand up to them? Just be rational and tell them that you don't care what they say. They only want a reaction.
stop trying to make me feel better with lies because I met people like you that tell me lies, then they stop telling me those stuff and start telling the truth and the truth is now what I believe, I'm not pretty.
and that's the truth
and that ONLY truth
I would never lie to you! I don't lie to people, it's a dishonest action. Everyone is beautiful in their own way, but even if you think you're not pretty on the outside, you must know you're pretty on the inside.❤️
I'm really sorry that you've experienced people who tell you stuff like that. Those people really don't know you. They don't see your real personality. They're the sort of superficial people that can't see past looks. Of course, I don't know you that well either, but I know that you have a caring heart, and that will get you much farther then looks.❤️
A mental health organization went to my school today and they talked about mental issues, suicidal thoughts and where and how to get help. The speaker is actually a victim of a mental illness as well and has tried to take her own life before, but fortunately she was saved. It's very inspiring how she managed to get back up and carry on and is using her own story to raise awareness and help others.
Oh sorry about that. I read on the Internet that he was gay, and I didn't know it was wrong.