03.07.23 (tap)
I'm backk qotd: team conrad or jeremiah aotd: my answer is very specific: team cam cameron but belly didn't deserve him, team jere for me ofc and conrad for belly only bc they're solumates but honestly i don't think belly deserves any of th


03.07.23 (tap) I'm backk qotd: team conrad or jeremiah aotd: my answer is very specific: team cam cameron but belly didn't deserve him, team jere for me ofc and conrad for belly only bc they're solumates but honestly i don't think belly deserves any of th

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hey guys also could u remix some pugs that I can collect bc I don’t usually use pigs bc I make my stuff on my phone so I can’t but I gonna story to making Smith with pigs but my theme for my next post is like dark rainy aesthetic so if u can add those kind of pngs but I dm any other ones u like and think I’d like too💞
I’m so sorry dm the spelling haha my iPad is not cooperating rn but I meant pngs not pigs and smth not smith😂
Oohh welcome back!! Yeah july is just packed. Happy early birthday!!