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Ask me!❤️

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any YouTuber💕
rn I'm doing a photo shoot so I'll start after it☺️
oooh mine name is Elizabeth😂💕 and haha I was also in the hospital when I was born😂😂😂
I think most people were😱😁😂
14&30! also can I post this on my page w/ credit?😛
oh cool! and yeah my parents named me that bc it's in the bible
Catholic! I even go to a catholic school!
yay! and next yr I can't go to a catholic school bc it will cost too much😕
no I don't have it until I'm 15 so 2 yrs from now. and idk what name I want yet. we have been talking about it in religion class a little bit last yr but I still have time to think about it!✨
when is ur confirmation?