"My adorable little gothic butterfly thing"


"My adorable little gothic butterfly thing"

42 6
This is beautiful.
Thank you. Yes I put a lot of effort into it.
I can see. I really love this XD
The bottom one is just 😂
Tbh they're all just 😂
I'm proud of my adorable little gothic butterfly things. I've raised them well.
I love them.
Yey. They get love. ^~^
Just like Crickettttt
Cricket butterfly loveeee.
Love them alllLlLlLlLl
So much loveeeee
Love for everyone!!!!!!!!
All da love for all da peoplesss!!!!!
Unless you're a girly satna or Ryan.
Yeah pretty much. They just BIBH.
I love would let Ryan LASUG if he didn't kill Ricky like that.
Yeahhh bad Ryan. ;-; BUBH
Yes, Rhiannon, BUBH.
Yeah. BUBH.
All real.
Soooo Burn Under Breadbin Hëll? Live And Ship UNDER Gayland? What is the uuuu?
Wouldn't under Gayland be straightland?
Probably. What's above Gayland?
Gayerland...Yeah it probably is.
I prefer Gayland...
Yeah same tbh...