Collage by Tisha_Gee2003


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yassss I 100% agree with you! I am the only Christian out of my whole family (mom,dad,step mom, and eight siblings) and all of my family just doesn’t respect my choice but I became a Christian for a reason and that reason changed the way I think about the world forever
Amen girl! Go out in the world and show everyone the love Jesus has for us! You are an amazing person and know that you are blessed by the Lord our God!! I may be 16 and very young, but I know the truth, and that truth is Jesus Christ; the Son of God. And hey, maybe one day your family and step mom will become a Christian, you never know. And remember, the world will hate us, but we have the power to over come and rise up! Be brave, have courage and faith, and with the power of our Saviour, we will overcome evil. Satan is out to get people like you and I, so I am very thankful that we have Jesus Christ who will protect and fight for us. Anyway, have a very blessed day! Love you!!