Black is a cool color


Black is a cool color

7 5
re://YES I LOVE THE SHOW!!!! only on the first season though
Oh did you catch the quote in the mortal instruments where simon asks what clary wants and she says: just coffee, black, like my soul
Of course!!! And I have them all... guilty as charged
Sorry I remixed it so many times
SAME!!!!!!!!!!!! Check out my "henna" post. It takes a while to find.
Also, I'm a gymnast so I can actually do a backflip😬😜
Also, can you tell me which one is better? No dots or dots... See remixes for details
okay, same. its getting a little late where I am... fun talking to you too!!!
if you're in the same time zone it's around 9
its me sapphireswirl its my other account hehe
check out my latest!! there's something in there u might like😉💕