Because there's nothing better to do


Because there's nothing better to do

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I agree with you on that one
Yeah *looks down*
why so sad?
Because of something that happened
wanna talk about it?
Yeah it has to do with Josie and Maddie
oh okay
Yeah I was talking to Chloe my sis and there was a big conflict between Maddie Josie and Chris and I told Chloe that I only wanted her to be my sis because I didn't like how they were acting cuz it wasn't like them and Maddie saw what I said and then so did Josie and now they won't talk to me I've tried to apologize but it won't work..
I'm sorry about that
It's ok
hey😃 what's up
Nothin much just mad how bout you
Hey I have a question
Be completely honest with me do you think I'm a bad mom
I don't think you're bad I just think you're to hard on the kids and need to let loose
I'm hard on Kennedy???
I wouldn't know that.. She isn't my kid to keep track on how you treat her
You just said that I was hard on the kids and I need to let loose
kids in general
I'm not hard on kids
you actually are
I'm so done with everything I'm not coming back on pc for a couple days
okay bye
I'm so done with pc and life....😒🔫
Cuz David broke up with me because all I cared about was him Bryce and Lexi and I barely talked to Kennedy and because I got in an argument with Josie and Maddie and now Maddie and Josie think it's cool to gang up on me when I haven't said one word about Davids new girlfriend like I haven't said anything rude or mean about her but yet everyone hates me
oh okay
Yeah I'm done I don't want to be here anymore I want to die
don't say that
because you don't need to kill yourself, it was a break-up not a death in the family. It's time you stop making everything about yourself and worry about others for once
I do worry about others I'm worried about my sister who I can't talk to because she's somewhere getting treated for cancer and I'm not gonna kill myself I'm saying I don't want to be here
then leave!
Just nvm
no you want someone to talk to so talk
I did but I don't want to bug you with my problems Lucas I really don't
it's a bit late for that
Ik but I feel like I'm just bothering you cuz just nvm *sighs*
just talk!
Everything is bothering me seeing you happy David happy it's bothering me cuz I'll never see it again ok there I said it I'm jealous *covers my face and sighs* all I do is mess things up and ruin everything
you rush things
Ik why do you think I said I ruin things cuz I'm never the right girl for anyone I ruin every relationship I'm in cuz I'm worthless and a rusher
you're desperate... try going a month without dating and maybe you'll be happy
I have gone a month without dating
do it again
It didn't make me happy it made things worse for me cuz I got hate so bad because my ex had jumped for someone else and he died and his cousin treated me like cràp cuz she wanted our kid
Yeah *looks at my son looking at you* sorry about the baby
Looking at you*
*smiles and looks at him* that's okay
*smiles and he gets fussy* you sure
Ok *bryce gets even more fussy* I'm sorry he's really cranky right now
it's okay
*rocks him slowly*
*he falls asleep and sighs*
*looks at him*
*looks down* him and his sister are gonna grow up without a father figure David doesn't want to see them
Yeah I told him I wasn't keeping them from him and then he said he hadn't told his girlfriend about them so I told him he should then he said he wanted to start fresh with her so they won't have a dad but I honestly don't care right now cuz he's sick and Lexi is just energetic
and you're gonna use the kids as an excuse to get people's attention
don't say I'm wrong cause you know I'm right. now because you're feeling like cráp you want everyone to feel the same. I don't want to sound mean but you need to get over yourself
I don't want anyone else to feel like cràp if I wanted them to if be bad mouthing him and his girlfriend but I'm not and I'm not gonna hate you or be mad cuz you said something