Chat page for ONLY skinkz and KawaiiCats27 !


Chat page for ONLY skinkz and KawaiiCats27 !

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brb got to eat dinner
Kk have funs!
Okay here! Are you?
I am! but now I need to eat dinner!๐Ÿ˜†
Okay have a good dinner!
now ima go to bed! chat in the morning? also here's a username suggestion: KINKZ lol get it?!?
Ya๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ That sounds good but let's do lowercase
okey dokey so kinkz?
Can you tell me Pass?
ok! are u here!!!
ok so I think we should start with an icon contest since we got our names down! do you wanna have it on ur page? just label it as an icon contest and tell people it's for our account? so like what do u want on our icon?
Get on This account and follow a bunch of people and start oneโ˜บ๏ธ
like 300 and the icon contest
so I was thinking for prizes, shoutouts, follow, collab, spam. and for 2nd place follow, spam, caption shoutout, 3rd follow spam? honorable mentions, spam!
Can you post the contest?
hi u here?