😂tap and smile😂
Entry to Sapphire_ICE's contest! I have some big competition! I didn't know people were so talented on PC :) I made this watching inside out, and I won't lie, when bing-bong died I cried a little


😂tap and smile😂 Entry to Sapphire_ICE's contest! I have some big competition! I didn't know people were so talented on PC :) I made this watching inside out, and I won't lie, when bing-bong died I cried a little

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me too😢
ikr? for some random reason anytime someone dies I cry in a movie
but only if it's animated
if it's like real life people acting, then I don't cry for some reason🤔
my hormones are weird😂
wanna try my style?
backround or text?
oh yeah except for Harry Potter
I cried during Dobby's death and Dumbledore's death in the movie AND book
I gtg ttyl
these are freakin amazing