Photo credit: PIC-TOPIA. This collage sucks :P


Photo credit: PIC-TOPIA. This collage sucks :P

19 0
I'm fine
bro I got a hatepage..
round 1 is up
I luv diss
I have to go to cali today at like 2 am
and I gtg soon cuz school registration
This is amazing!
I love how you did the word 'creativity' very...creative😂
well because I was off pc for the week I was with my nannie and it felt so good to be off pc. and then when I got back on I see I want to kill myself and oh I'm depressed and I'm fûçking tired of it and then I fall right back down where I was. and I don't want to be at the bottom of the hole anymore, I want to climb out.
re:// I think that is what I'm going to do. I wish you could do the same but I know your girlfriend needs you and you really really close friends on here too. but I'm really going to miss a lot of people on here..
re:// I won't delete my account but I will give you the password so you can get on and continue some things if you would like
re:// ok, and so the deal between you and Mack. I read your post and you guys comments, what did your mom say about things?
re:// okay i will
ok, it is jasongraceishot