If any of you have read this amazing book,  I would love to know your final thoughts on each of the characters and who your favorite triplet is. And also what you thought of that ending. ✨❤️


If any of you have read this amazing book, I would love to know your final thoughts on each of the characters and who your favorite triplet is. And also what you thought of that ending. ✨❤️

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I read this earlier this year! I love how complex all of the characters were, and the plot twist was insane ! the only thing I was iffy on was the romance
I'll definitely check this out it I find it. Any book recommended by you is a good book. 👏📚 Oh, also, you somehow make your BOOK REVIEWS prettier than my own collages. Everything you make is wonderful. ✨
I'm Arsinoe all the way. I think she deserves it, after what she has done. But i can't wait to read what Katharine will do, she's been so innocent. TBH I don't really love Mirabella as much as the other two but I wonder how it will all end. Would they kill each other? Or will they have peace? And that twist at the end was AMAZING! I additionally hate Joseph, ugh can't stand him. I kinda hoped was going to be killed by that bear.
I dont connect with Jules that much either I just hate what Joseph is doing! He needs to make up his mind. Well, I guess we have to wait till September!
I think Arsinoe's my favourite, whereas Mirabella…I haven't really decided what I feel about her. I like Katherine though she's probably going to change a lot in the next book…It's a really amazing book, can't wait till September!!
I love that book!!
I absolutely love this book!