I think I'm slowly going insane😭


I think I'm slowly going insane😭

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I have a couple...1) Good lighting-so u can see 2) repetition-do the same thing over and over. and 3) Quiet place!!!-easy to concentrate better. hope this helps!! 💺💦💕🍮✌🏻️
#Highschoolprobs I feel ya but I have like 4 tests tmrw and homework too.
I just listen to music so I don't get distracted
tip: 1. flash cards and pneumonic devices are good to remember things and 2. put your phone, tv remote, anything distracting aside so you can focus ❤️
#HighSchoolProbs Yeah, I'm A REALLY BAD Test Taker😖 I Have Some Tips As Well. 1)Chew Some Gum 2)Listen To Your Favorite Song When Doing Work 3)If Your Doing Vocab, Write Them 3-4 Times Before You Take A Test(It ALWAYS Seems To Stick In My Head) 4)Write All Your Worries Down On A Piece Of Paper And When They Tell You To Put Everything Away, Throw That Sheet In The Trash To Symbolize "Throwing Your Troubles Away" 5) Before Taking A Test Repeat The Following Phrase To Yourself: "I Know I Can Do This" This Will Sometimes Work, But It Depends On The Person 6) Breathe(Meditate) Just Don't Worry, If You Know You'll Do Good You Will, Study, Take Small Breaks In Between Studying To Stop Stress, And Know That Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining!😊
there's this app called Quizlet and it really helps A LOT! it's basically flash cards but, you can also play matching games and stuff and it really helps. you should check it out!
don't lisen to music or have your phone or a lapto near you
When a teacher gives you an assignment, do it early so you won't have to rush at the last minute. And also, I would recommend studying for tests a little bit at a time, so you don't have to cram (cramming makes me feel stressed. DON'T HAVE ANY ELECTRONICS NEAR YOU. I find that this distracts me from doing my work and from staying focused. If you want to listen to music, you can always use the old-fashioned radio and choose your favorite channel. (I usually listen to classical music while doing homework because I learned that it stimulates the brain). And if you have any trouble with math, ask a teacher or asked to be helped by a friend who understands the material and can help you. Hope I helped!!
listen to the radio or music um chew gum apparently helps you when you study and turn off and ignore all divides when you study
sorry devices
listen to classical music. a person in my english class played it for the class while we worked and it helped me focus soo much!!