the most lovely @london-fog! She did the breath taking text and I did the background, it was sm fun doing this with her, Dianne is so sweet and kind, please check out her account <3💓


A GORGEOUS COLLABORATION WITH... the most lovely @london-fog! She did the breath taking text and I did the background, it was sm fun doing this with her, Dianne is so sweet and kind, please check out her account <3💓

119 28
trooop beau
This is so pretty!!! 💖
Sounds like fun! And nope school homework has calm down after a few weeks after school started
Stunning and amazing.
okay great! putting mine up now :)
you guys both did sooo good :))🩷
gorgeous!! you guys did amazing
and ofc!
aww ofc: i use picsart mainly and piccollage, and for the text i either use pc or phonto!! 🩷
aww that’s nice
ooh I like vanilla cake or strawberry 💕
my days been good :) i’ve been so busy lately but ive been having a good time
what about you
ahh hey!! I’m doing quite well! a little busy with life but it’s manageable :) hbu?!
hey chloé!!!! hru today??
your welcome your collages are amazing and gorgeous
tips on creating a vintage aesthetic collage.
life isn’t too stressful, i’ve had lots of fun with it
today i went down to a little beach town with my boyfriend and my best friend and we just walked around the town, it was really nice
what have you been doing lately?
thank you, so is this🤍
I’ve even better, kinda hard to see my ex moving on so quickly haha
how are you tho??
Thank you so much for the tips on creating a vintage aesthetic collage super helpful and amazing.
your welcome
I went to the mall and bought myself presents bought my friend a plush she wanted so badly and my sister did buy herself some stuff too
yeah maybe, it’s just weird how she went from “I still love you” to “omggg this guyyy😍😍”
yeah I feel you, it’ll get better soon 🫶🏽
maybe take some time to just spend w yourself, that usually helps me :D
I'm doing good thanks! How about you?
omg thank you sm!!💫
AWW THANKS BABE <33 and i’m okay today!! i got bangs!! 😚
and YESS get picsart it’s a game changer!!!!
how are you today? 💓💓
yesss I’m doing good I hope all is well with you!! 💕
strawberry cake is so delicious
aww I hope you feel better! 🫶🏼🫶🏼
eh, i’m okay. struggling with school. i’m doing a college class and i’ve made 100s on all my assignments but I just failed two tests.. my overall grade is now A- which is okay but i’m really bummed about failing them.
do you have any favorite bands??
omggg that sounds so fun I LOVEE classical music sometimes !! 💓💓
MY DAY HAS BEEN OKAY- overall pretty good!!! how has your day been :)??🫶
sorryy I just read ur comments!! 🤍 I've been doing fine thanks, school just got in the way most of the time 💔
I'm doing fine ty
hruu? x
This is so pretty!! You did so well together ❤
Thank you!!
Lol I have so many favourite books 😅 super into fantasy series like the folk of the air by holly black, shades of magic by v.e. schwab, every shadowhunter book by cassandra clare, the grisha series by leigh bardugo and probably more haha :) What's your favourite book?
Thanks so much for making me those beautiful icons. super pretty and really giving reputation and lover vibes
thank you <3
your welcome
ty <3
my day was good actually!! how was yours 🫶🏽🫶🏽
heyy!! omg yes i missed u too :( things have been a little rough but i am alr now. how are you?? (TBH I FEEL SO DISTANT W U GUYS NOW BUHUU)
such an inspiring artist❤️
it’s so prettyyyyyyy
I've heard of most of those, but have only read the fault in our stars, I really loved that one too, John Green writes great books :)
HONESTLYY i don’t have many favorite songs at the moment 😭😭i have a collection of #1 songs in a pl tho, so ig those are my favs!!! hbu? <33
and yes!! we have thanksgiving break except that is not until next month :))
all i’ve done today is school tbh!! 😭😭
Thank you ❤
Aahh paper towns is probably my favourite of his, it's so good
ummm what did I miss
aww that’s nice! I had my color run today lol
which idk if yk what it is but we basically walk around (we’re supposed to be “running” but no one does haha) outside and get a ton of colored cornstarch dumped on us 😍
yeah good! i love this collab, how’ve u been??
wow! this is so stunning chloe, you and dianne created such an astounding masterpiece. i’m doing alright thanks. my mental health has been a bit unstable lately and i nearly resorted to sh. that’s when i knew that i needed a break from socials for a bit but decided to pop on today. how are u doing? <3
thanks for the congratulations btw, it means a lot 🥹
to continue our last conversation… well i’m always here if u need to talk chloe, i hope things work out for u two. how have things been lately??
oh well i imagine that u’d be very good. i’ve always wanted to try karate. thank u! yes it’s quite difficult at first but i’ve got the hang of skateboarding now as i’ve been doing it for several years. it helps me clear my head but can also provide the adrenaline rush and thrill that i sometimes crave. plus i use it to socialise with friends at skateparks.
i love ur hobbies too. i also enjoy bike riding/walking, snowboarding (not skiing lol) and some other of the things you mentioned. although i also have trouble organising my time due to school etc.
i’ve missed talking to u too chloe 🩶
i can’t believe brianna has a h8page! what did she ever do? she’s literally so sweet and talented. u have any suspicions who it is chloe??
at least she has a fanpage too. that she definitely deserves. was it u who made it? <333
TYSM! ❤️
I love this 💗
thanks so much so is your amazing collages
omg i love all of those people 💓💓
aww omg!! do u celebrate christmas? :))🩷
and ty for asking, i’ve been sad yes :// but i’ve been okay tbh. just a lot going on mentally 🫶 hbu lovely 💓💓
I’m great!!! x hru???
Yeah, I think paper towns and looking for alaska are my favourites from him :) yes, I'd love to hear what you think when you've finished!!
I'm sick rn, so not doing great haha. How are you doing?
I'm good, just tired, wbu? <3
ur welcome chloe and tysm that means a lot 🥹
i hope ur motivation improves soon! i know the feeling well. oh that’s exciting, do u have any plans?
hmmm well at least u still have contact right? i have faith that u will find ur perfect someone someday chloe.
mine is actually going really well. she’s been really supportive during this difficult stage but i don’t think i’m ready to take things further atm.
u should definitely start. the more u try the more confidence you gain. honestly i was scared at first too but it helps when u do it w friends. they’re the ones who taught me, and lots of research by myself. it’s so fun, i’d definitely recommend!
i find that skateboarding helps w snowboarding especially my balance. u should definitely try that out also. i’ve skied a couple of times but idk i prefer to board. dk u live close to any snow resorts?
aw thanks, i missed u too and love chatting w u. ur one of my closest friends on this app chloe 🩶
ikr it’s just so weird. like i don’t think she has a rude bone in her body and i’ve never seen her being hurtful to anyone. hopefully they stop soon.
that’s so kind of u chloe, i would have done the same. and yeah, i agree imagine seeing that. some people can be such assh*les.
thank u, everything about u is so sweet chloe. thanks for being u <333
thank you⭐️
Awe thank you <3 when will you be posting? Just curious 🙃
Heyyyy I'm doing pretty good today hbu?
🫶🫶i have a few!! ts, ben&tan, lady gaga, bruno mars, etc, IT’S SOO MIXED AHAHAH
and that sounds soo nice! it’s not too different for us! we have christmas eve on the 24th too and spend the days before that getting ready and shopping :) WE ALSO DO FINAL EXAMS A FEW DAYS PRIOR TO CHRISTMAS EVE AHAHA
and the 25th is christmas!! we celebrate and open presents and then the following days lead up to the new year :)
and thank you so much you’re so kind 🩷🩷
and that trip sounds fun !!! have fun w ur family !!! <333
you both did so great on the collage it’s absolutely gorgeous!
yeah school is going surprisingly well for me! it’s better because I have way more time to write and study now and since I moved, I am back to my regular schedule if that makes sense haha!
tennis sounds fun! yes I have quite a few hobbies but my favorite are reading and drawing! I’d love to take an art class or maybe a film class soon but it makes me a bit nervous with the people lol😅
by the way, I’m doing lovely! what about you? 🩷
hey i’m doing okay!! I LOVE my icons thank you soooo much!!!!! how are you??
Hey I’m doing ok! 🩷
Heyy great hbu?
I’m good! this is so pretty!
Thank you 🥰
No, the autumn break was a few weeks ago here. Have you done anything fun this holiday?
That sounds great! I bet it's going to be beautiful as always 💓
yes we do celebrate easter!! not as much as christmas though, we usually just eat a nice dinner :)
and i’m okay today :)) had some lingering thoughts but other than that im okay!!!! how about you hon 🩷🩷
noo not rly!! honestly i just go to bed after midnight 😭😭hbu??
aww thank you so much <33 sometimes i understand why but it’s just hard avoiding them yk!!🫶
aww i’m sorry you’re unmotivated!! sending good vibes your way 💓💓
i’m just exhausted and overwhelmed lol, I broke down last night but i’m doing a little better today. my birthday is really soon and that will be nice I hope. we’re getting our first visitors in two years on thanksgiving!! i’m excited bc my friends might be sending a care package!!
how are you doing? 🩷
thanks so much
that is very similar! sounds fun thoo
we have around 800 students too
how have you been?! 👀
I’ve been pretty good. Hbu? did you do anything for Halloween?
hey!! sorry I’ve been very stressed with tests and exams lately!
I’ve been studying for the last couple of weeks, and I’m really trying to fit PicCollage into my schedule, but I don’t seem to find the right way to do it
how have you been?
I didn't do anything special, just chilled at home :)
Aahh that sounds super fun!! I think I was in Portugal once when I was super young, but I don't remember haha
your welcome. your account is amazing and super pretty
a lot of school and therapy on tuesday was a lot on me lol
my birthday is november 18<3
wbu?? (if you feel comfortable sharing ofc)
i’ve only been to america and thailand but I had a two hour layover in qatar one lol
once* omg
but portugal is on my bucket list for sure!!
I plan to travel the world someday hehe
maybe we can meet up in europe! actually planning to live in germany for a little bit hopefully <3
but i’m only 16 this month so it’ll be a while lol and I can’t get a job currently and i’m broke and I gotta save for uni and said trip bc both cost a cráp ton of money 😭
i’m okay today! hbu?
I’m pretty good just tired and trying to make time to have free time
how are you???
omg that’s so cool! enjoy you’re time off 😍😍
your** mb
I’m doing goodddd busy obsessing over a guy I’ve never talked to 🙈
school and trying to figure out if my bf is cheating on me with his ex 🙂🔫 it’s soooo much fun
I’m glad to hear that! I don’t have holiday break until the end of the month sadly
your welcome and i'm good
200th commenttt
yes my birthday is really sneaking up on me! omg I missed it! happy late birthday omg
should I dye my hair purple red or blue for my birthday??
yesss I could show you around thailand and the south of america!!!!! I want to learn all the history and languages and everything of the world!!!! life is too short!!!!!!
omg you’re one of my pc besties too!! it’s hard for me to get close to people but I feel like i’ve known you and aly for ages :D were you around when SonicTheGreat was active btw??
noooo idk what I want to study 😭😭😭😭😭 I have soooo many different ideas but limited options oml
I went with my mom and one of my sisters for coffee at a family’s house, we house sat for them so it was kinda weird to see them living in it even though it’s their house lol?? also yknow how when you hear adults talking abt stuff you just learn so much more abt things than you did?? fun lol. I think my other sister may add their son that’s about my age to her list of boys she thinks I have a crush on… I h8 that list. it includes my two guy friends (one of which is TWO YEARS YOUNGER THAN ME??? WHY WOULD I LIKE UIM THAT WAY OMG) and also this australian dude i’ve only met for about a total of two weeks of my life *exaggerated eye roll*
and then I did two math tests and a quiz and now i’m on here lol
what countries have you been to??
I collect guidebooks especially lonely planet ones hehe rn I have italy, switzerland, myanmar (it was my moms old one and I like the food section only lol), korea, amalfi coast of italy, southeast asia on a shoestring, seoul, tokyo, and like a 1993 edition of southeast china and idk why I even keep it lol. the new germany edition comes out next year and i’m so freaking excited for it!!!! I love guidebooks but their so darn expensive like my italy one last year was two years old but cost thirty bucks and I was like ?????brUH!!?????
I used to have way more but I had to get rid of it when I moved 3,000miles 😀✨👍🏼
them not it* my grammar is leaving me and english is the ONLY LANGUAGE IM FLUENT IN OMG
omg you have 450 followers congrats girl!! you’re catching up to me so fast and no wonder bc your collages are like 197391739729729% better than mine
and thank you sooo much <33 i usually try to steer away from them!! your support means the world 💓💓
and my day yesterday was pretty good!! it ended well :)) today has been meh- i had to wake up early and in currently at a dentist appointment 😭😭
how was yours? <333
thank you so much!
that's so cool! hru today? <3
hey! I’m quite well! very busy still but trying to power through till the end of the semester! wbu?
yea I’m not allowed to celebrate Halloween either actually. We watched a movie and ate some candy tho! how was you’re day today?
my plans are to see the new hunger games movie, due my hair, get a video game I played as the original but they remade it so i’m getting the remake and it looks sooo good!! and call as many if my friends and family as I can <3
my eyes are a grayish dark blue, I have brown curly hair and I have freckles sadly
math tests were ok! I got a 16/23 on a hard one but i’m ok with that. the other two I got 100’s on though!
i’ve never traveled alone but i’ve gone to the beach with my crush and her family in may!
risk not lost*
and now i’m going to therapy bc i’m depressed 😀✨👍🏼
also i’m gonna be inactive this week haha
also would you mind deleting the two comments about where I live after you’ve read them haha
not the one aboit where i’ve been, the two after haha
how are you today???🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
Sure, I would love to be friends!