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Um... I just wanna say sorry.
I've never been an active acc bc
I didn't think anyone really cared.
I still don't really.
it's also hard bc
. it's also hard to post bc I have other fan accs , personal accs , school , personal life, etc
and some friends of mine on here (I don't have close friends on here so it's really people I follow)
but I'm just gonna try to be active I'm probably gonna fail bc I do on other acc too
but tysm for understanding ❤️💛💚💙💜💗🖤
I'm gonna add something on
bc of me be inactive I couldn't help someone I didn't know anything about them but they followed me I went to go follow them back and it turns out they might have killed themself
I looked at their page and it looks
like they deleted all of their post
and started posting things dissing her body and such
then her last post was said goodbye no context
I just hope they are ok. if you see this please let me know if you are ok.
i hope so too